Definitions and Criteria of CIA Security Triangle in Electronic Voting System

Definitions and Criteria of CIA Security Triangle in Electronic Voting System


Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability are three sides of the famous CIA security triangle. Since the e-voting systems are built from particular components, the CIA security triangle of these systems has particular definitions for each side. This paper presents these CIA security definitions and criteria which each state-of-the-art electronic voting system must meet based on the view point of National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST) and also the criteria proposed by pioneer e-voting researchers. According to jurisdiction of different countries some of the given definitions and criteria might be excluded for developed e-voting system of their territory. Beside of the definitions and criteria, current threats and proposed solutions (in 2012) of each CIA triangle side and current unresolved security threats are concisely described.

Authors:- Hamed Taherdoost, Saman Shojae Chaeikar, Mohammadreza Jafari, Nakisa Shojae Chaei Kar

Keywords:- E-Voting, Electronic Voting, CIA,E-Voting Confidentiality, E-Voting Integrity, E-Voting Availability

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